Thursday, July 2, 2009

storyboard and narration

This is the first movie I have made. I liked that I got to hang out with Sarah. I really liked the troubles that we had making it. It was fun. I can show how I feel about surfing and singing and the education that I would like to know and all three of my careers that I would like to be. Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sarah and me

Making a movie is fun but hard. There is suprises and fun. Sarah showed me how to look for information.It was fun taking pics with Sarah.Sarah and I get to use silly voices.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Autumn's talents

EQ and UQ

When I am surfing and singing it feels good to not be argueing with my siblings and it feels good to be off land. It makes me feel good to learn some of the words and go out and sing. It feels just about the same way singing as it does surfing because when I do both I'm trying to be better at both.
I would like to be all three of these but I can only be one; a marine biologist, a teacher, and a vet. With all of these I have the option to be comftorable and be with my family, except for the marine biologist.